Developing some Passion

I discovered a well-written article about blogging and its future as an organizational communication tool. Written in March by Trevor Cook, director of a PR firm in Sydney, Australia, and published in his Corporate Engagement blog, the article explores and comments on how blogs are developing beyond purely online versions of personal diaries and evolving into communication channels that will change the way the (connected) world communicates.

The key word here is ‘change.’ I believe that blogs will soon begin to emerge as one of the most powerful communication tools an organization can use (see my earlier post on corporate blogs). Indeed, the overall thread weaving through Trevor’s article confirms my view on this.

Blogs do represent change, and many people are feaful of such change. Blogs challenge the established order and way of doing things. They are spontaneous and instant, and just about impossible to control. That’s how it should be!

Trevor says in his article, “[the] emphasis on authenticity, and personal engagement with the audience, leads many blogging experts to be deeply sceptical about the prospects for blogging in the corporate world. Weblogs are personal, passionate and opinionated – all attributes rarely found in corporate communications.”

Actually, I’m not skeptical about the prospects for corporate blogging. Far from it. Communicators have a great opportunity to embrace blogs with passion, which will open up the often stodgy world of corporate communication. That’s got my vote.

Read Trevor Cook’s article: Corporate Engagement: Blogging: a personal medium is now the message

[I originally posted this piece on 24/7/04 in my blog at]