In its August 2 issue, Business Week publishes its annual ranking of the world’s most valuable brands, in conjunction with Interbrand.
The ranking includes the top ten brands worldwide (top 3: Coca Cola, Microsoft, IBM) with the collective brand value of the ten amounting to more than US$380 billion.
It’s a well-written article with some good commentary and examples on what many familiar global brands are doing to maintain market share and keep in front of consumers. Includes some pithy comment like this –
[The] seismic shift in clout from companies to their customers is creating opportunities, especially for younger brands that grew up with the Internet and have become adept at building user communities. Meanwhile, some traditional brands, such as Coca-Cola and Microsoft, are struggling to retain their mammoth leads in a market where consumers increasingly resist what they see as bland ubiquity and a surfeit of power.
Read the full article at Business Week Online. You’ll need to register.