The promise of blogs, wikis and social networks to upend business as usual was on display at a high-powered conference on Friday, when blogging software company Six Apart and evangelists from Microsoft co-chaired a panel detailing how these tools lead to better customer relationships.
In something of a throwback to the halcyon days of the Internet boom, the BlogOn 2004 conference, held last Thursday and Friday in Berkeley, California, stressed how the latest in Internet technologies — such as social networks and syndication technologies — are starting to revolutionize life on the Internet and outside it.
- Full Story: Wired News: The Empire Blogs Back
(PS: The title of Wired’s article, as a take on Star Wars film names, reminds me that Lucasfilm announced on Friday the name of the next Star Wars film currently in production and planned for release in May 2005 — Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith. I’m not especially excited by the title, but I’ll be there anyway when the movie opens! And you can already buy the T-shirt. More info at