In my daily travels through the blogosphere, I’ve not had a great deal of luck in finding good business-focused blogs here in The Netherlands with which I can connect and get some conversations going. In my specific areas of interest – business communication and technology – I was beginning to think that maybe I’m the only one here, at least with an English-language blog.
Then I encountered Ton Zijlstra and his Ton’s Interdependent Thoughts blog. An eclectic mixture of commentary and opinion on technology, blogging, social experimentation and other topics, Ton’s blog – in English with versions in Dutch and German – is a thought-provoking center of knowledge and information.
Not only that, Ton has started a listing of business-focused blogs in The Netherlands. It currently lists over 30 bloggers here who write blogs with a focus on knowledge management (the majority), communication, software and other topics, in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Russian and Italian. Quite a community!
As Ton says in his blog, “On several occasions I have complained about the fact that it seemd hard to find Dutch blogs with a professional orientation. Most Dutch blogs seem to be lifelogs or linkdumps. But over time I did come across several of course, and now I have put them all together in a list. I hope some of you will be able to add more!”
If you blog on any business-related topic in The Netherlands, do join Ton’s list and help build a great directory of business bloggers in this country. You can be Dutch, British, American, whatever – as long as you’re here. You can easily include yourself by adding your info on the wiki that Ton started – TonExtraWiki: Dutch Blogging.
Great work, Ton!