ChangeThis adds new manifestos

Ten days after ChangeThis launched (see my post), five new manifestos have been added to the library for viewing and download from today.

Two in particular caught my attention:

This I Believe! – Tom’s 60 TIBs. Tom Peters is back with more Big Ideas for your job, your company, and your life. The marketing and strategy guru holds forth on why audacity matters, why women are the future of leadership, and why diversity is crucial to business success. Those who have never read Tom will find an excellent primer here; those well-versed in Peters’ ideas can get up to speed on his latest thoughts.

The Corporate Weblog Manifesto. Before you post to the company blog again, read this manifesto. To blog guru Robert Scoble, business bloggers should have a few things in common. Among them, they should steer clear of PR-cleansed jargon, they should have a thick skin, and they should avoid writing during times of emotional turmoil. Scoble, a Microsoft strategist, knows his stuff – he’s one of the best-known blogging personalities on the web.