RSS: FeedDemon, not NewsGator

Having tried out NewsGator for syndicated RSS webfeeds, I’ve decided to stay with FeedDemon.

NewsGator is good, I have no issue with the program. It’s more to do with how I use my email program. As I mentioned in a previous post, I use Outlook 2003 for email but it’s purely the background app with the shell, so to speak, being NEO Pro. While receiving RSS info from NewsGator within Outlook is extremely convenient – single app for email and RSS – I actually find it distracting. It’s made worse by NEO Pro’s email indexing and categorizing functionality: outstanding elements of NEO Pro’s power which I want for email but not for Outlook-embedded info such as RSS webfeeds.

One other thing about NewsGator is that too much of its information management features depend on subscribing to additional online services, some of which I think are too pricey for what you get. Other features like emailing an RSS news item can already be done easily from FeedDemon, as well as publishing to a blog.

I hope it won’t be too long before RSS is more fully integrated into applications like Outlook and NEO Pro (and indeed, in further apps like Word and FrontPage), rather than as an add-in like NewsGator.

5 thoughts on “RSS: FeedDemon, not NewsGator

  1. I’m not using a RSS feeder for the moment but I want to use one.
    May be you can help me.
    I’m looking for a free RSS feeder that works with web interface.
    Any ideas ?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. I’ve been using FeedDemon about two weeks and I really like it. I’ve tried out many others including Pluck and NewsGator. Since I don’t use IE or Outlook very often FeedDemon works best for me. I really like the “Watches” feature where I can enter a keyword and as feeds come in with that keyword they are collected for me.
    @Laurent: Try out Bloglines at

  3. Laurent, an RSS reader can make your information-gathering life a lot easier.
    Based on my experience, I would recommend FeedDemon. If you prefer a free reader, try SharpReader (links to these two at the top left of this page).
    If you want a web-based reader (i.e., not an application running on your PC), then I would definitely suggest Bloglines.
    Also, take a look at the review of RSS readers in PC World magazine in July (,aid,116018,00.asp)

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