FAQ about blogging, PR and journalism

A link from Steve Rubel got me into a wonderfully tongue-in-cheek description of Everything you wanted to know about blogging but were afraid to ask by Simon World.

Tongue in cheek or not, it’s a must-read.

Got me thinking about other great ‘guides’ – PR and journalism easily spring to mind.

So, courtesy of the Fleet Street Forum, here comes –

The Fleet Street Forum | How to Handle PR People Anti-FAQ, including special tips for one-on-one interviews and special tips for clients and senior PR people.

The Fleet Street Forum | How to Handle Journalists Anti-FAQ.

One thought on “FAQ about blogging, PR and journalism

  1. Unitiated bloggers ? This is for you !

    I’ve had the chance once to find Neville Hobson, a great Hollandish PR Pro who is always aware of the last great information ! And so, once again, thanks to Neville I’ve been discovering an article about blogging and the

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