Loosely continuing today’s theme of blogs and careers, here’s a blog that has a lighter (no, darker) side about the workplace: Workdirt.
Self description:
We’re here to make it all better because our jobs suck either sometimes or always, or when you-know-who is around. We like to break the rules and share dirty little secrets such as salary information. We like to have fun at the expense of others who deserve it. We tolerate bad spelling, the occasional bad word, blue and dark humor, and brutal honesty. Join us; help us.
Only a few posts at the moment and just a couple of comments. Unfortunately, this is a Blogspot-hosted blog so we have that situation you encounter too often with such blogs – if you want to leave a comment, you get a log in screen so, unless you have a Blogspot or Blogger blog or want to sign up for one, you can’t leave comments.
No contact info on the blog to reach the owner (who is anonymous), so if the owner reads this post – please adjust the configuration settings in Workdirt to enable it to accept open commenting. Unless, that is, you want comments only from bloggers who user Blogspot or Blogger.
Could Workdirt bring to the blogosphere the irreverence and complete and utter contempt for the workplace that FuckedCompany.com and InternalMemos.com brought to the web?