BBC World radio broadcasts about blogs

Robert Scoble comments about a radio broadcast on the BBC World Service yesterday about blogging which features him and his blog.

The broadcast, by Dow Jones journalist Jeremy Wagstaff, gives an overview of what blogs are, how they’ve grown in the past few years and why companies should get involved with them. He uses Scoble as an example of how employee blogging can have far-reaching influence inside and outside the organization, the benefits and the potential pitfalls.

It’s a good addtion to all the reporting, commentaries and discussions going on about blogging from the business perspective. It’s good that the focus is about the benefits of blogging rather than just what blogging is.

The 14½ minute streamed recording is in Real Audio format. Ugh! That usually means Real Player with its ads and popups and stealing file associations and trying to connect to the net all the time. Not necessarily. If you want to listen but not install Real Player, try Real Alternative, an oustanding free replacement.

The nearly 5-minute segment about blogging starts at 8:42 into the recording.

BBC World Service radio | Business report

What would be really interesting would be if broadcast recordings like this were in a format other than Real Audio’s that you could download and listen to it whenever you want, and on whatever device you have. If it were MP3, then wouldn’t it be pretty close to a podcast?