New investor relations blog

Last week, PR Opinions’ Tom Murphy asked if there were any investor relations-specific blogs out there.

There didn’t appear to be, anywhere. Google and Yahoo searches turned up none at all.

But, Tom reports there now is at least one IR blog – The Buttonwood Tree, written by Rick Charles, which started up on 13 October. According to his About page, Rick’s an “ex-Air Force flyboy turned Washington wonk who loves the capital markets and public relations.”

A timely topic Rick’s already started blogging about is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Welcome to the blogosphere, Rick!

4 thoughts on “New investor relations blog

  1. Neville,
    Thanks for the warm comments and good press. I look forward to following the led of established blogs like yours. You mentioned my Air Force experience. I spent two years at Geilenkirchen NATO Airbase which was about 5 km from Sittard, NL. When I saw you are in Amsterdam a smile came to my face as I am reminded of my time in Holland which I thoroughly enjoyed. I even came to appreciate the Ajax-PSV-Feyenoord rivalries!

  2. Thanks Rick. Looking forward to reading some good IR stuff on your blog.
    As I live in Amsterdam, naturally I support Ajax! European Champions Leagues competitions are getting underway now and I expect Ajax to do well. In the Dutch national league, they’re strugging at the moment…

  3. Neville,
    “The Buttonwood Tree” sounds interesting, but the url doesn’t seem to be working currently – any info?
    I am a US IR type. I’ve been to The Netherlands on business a number of times, from Utrecht to Rotterdam, and I envy your living there. It wasn’t until I took my kids there on holiday (when they were 11 and 13) however, that I learned that a coffee shop is not the same as a cafe.
    Tony Doumlele

  4. Tony, I’ve noticed, too, that The Buttonwood Tree hasn’t been available. I subscribe to Rick’s RSS feed and that hasn’t been connecting either for more than a week.
    I just tried to connect to the site and got a 404 “The requested URL was not found on this server” error. So it looks like the blog is no longer there.
    I’ve dropped Rick a note to see if he has any news.
    Knowing the difference between a coffee shop and a cafe here is definitely a good thing! Kids know that immediately, of course, but not necessarily the adults 🙂

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