Since starting with Gmail, I’ve found two very cool things:
1. Gmail address/signature graphic generator. I’ve noticed a little graphic on a number of blogs that shows an email address, all done in a nice way with the Gmail logo. I want one of those, too! So I found this great site that generates your email address like this:
Get your own from NHacks – Also does graphics for Hotmail, Yahoo, MSN and AOL addresses.
2. The Gmail notifer. Everyone who uses Gmail no doubt already knows about this! It’s indispensible. Sits in your system tray and pops up a little window when new mail arrives. One good thing I like is that you can configure it to use a specific browser. Gmail seems to have a problem with Firefox (or maybe vice-versa), so I’m pleased that I can config the Gmail notifier to use Internet Explorer. Yet another instance where you have to have IE whether you use Firefox or not as your preferred browser. Good thing, in this case 🙂
If you use Firefox as your primary browser, you can get the Gmail Extension that works in a very similar way as the Gmail Notifier does from Google. I use it in Firefox and it is flawless. Just one more reason why you don’t have to use IE if you don’t want to (minus Windows Update).
Thanks for the tip, Fred. I guess you mean the extension by Jed Brown which I found at
I’ll take it for a spin!
i would like to get a gmail acount but i am not shore how so please tell me how
my email addres is
Robert, there are two ways that I know of.
Best way is to be invited by a friend who has some invitations to offer.
The other way is to visit the Gmail auctions on eBay and bid for one. Amazingly, there’s a prolific trade going on there for Gmail accounts!