Instant messaging crossovers

A survey by the META Group published in late October shows that 57 percent of respondents use instant messaging (IM) at work for personal reasons, while 56 percent of those surveyed use IM at home for business purposes, reports eWeek.

According to the survey, US companies that have tried to restrict messaging have taken a more stringent approach toward IM than, say, toward phone calls and email. About 5 percent of companies prohibit phone and email for personal use, and 16 percent of companies do not allow employees to use IM at all. In terms of limited use, 68 percent allow limited use of email for personal matters, and 44 percent allow the same for IM.

The survey also found that more than 35 percent of the companies surveyed have no policy about instant messaging in the workplace.

eWeek | Instant Messaging Gets Personal at Work

I wonder what effect new collaborative tools that are designed for workplace use – such as Microsoft’s plans for launching a new IM client focused on information workers – will have on instant messaging in the workplace, and on companies’ views on policies and regulation.