Such a great idea – write a book about blogging where a blog is the focal point for the two authors – Robert Scoble and Shel Israel – to interact, converse and engage with anyone who has an opinion and some ideas to contribute, and actually create the book’s content. Publishing rights will be auctioned on eBay.
Read the thinking about it all on Robert’s blog and Shel’s blog, and in The Red Couch, the project’s blog on the new MSN Spaces blog service. The Red Couch, incidentally, is also the current planned book title (but if you have a different idea, suggest it on the blog).
If this works with the authoring, copyrights, financing, agreements, etc, it will have enormous implications for how books are produced and distributed in future. I’m certain it will be a milestone event in book writing and publishing.
No, it will not mean the imminent death of ‘dead-tree publishing,’ of course not. But Robert’s and Shel’s experiment will be a pointer to others on how things can be done this way. So things will change.
Just to make sure .
I AM writing a book WE are. It WILL be a OPEN SOURCED WIKI BOOK PROJECT And I invite EVERYONE who has a voice to participate. The main reason why Im doing it this way is mainly grounded in…