The future of MSN Spaces, Hotmail and Messenger

Neowin has a detailed report today on developments in Wave 11 of the MSN offering, including:

MSN Spaces
MSN are planning to create “Group Spaces”, although like the recently launched blogging service these will allow you to create a place to share ideas, to do lists, notes, calendars, etc. with your family and friends. On the IM side of things, Messenger is likely to integrate by allowing people to create a group of friends, with the possible addition of “Circles” in MSN Messenger. Although in very early stages of development it’s likely “Circles” will integrate fully with MSN Group Spaces.

MSN Hotmail
Although there are little details on how the new wave will effect Hotmail, it’s likely that the tight integration of MSN Group Spaces will change Hotmail’s current contact features. MSN have thrown out a concept of the future of Hotmail and you can view that at Neowin.

MSN Messenger
The Messenger main window is due to take on a client dashboard paradigm with dock to desktop options, user-customizable layout and multiple bar parts available. Other additions include RSS/subscription info, file-sharing info, premium bar parts, ISMP bar parts (search, radio, headlines, weather, traffic, alerts, stocks, etc.) and the possible addition of WMP in the bar layout. Window features of MSN Messenger will be float, dock to desktop, minimize to side with rippable parts and smart resize.

Messenger Marketplace
You heard it here folks, MSN Ebay is here! Buy and sell within social network, also list wants and share recommendations. List items you want to sell, things you are looking for, and your recommendations. Your buddies notice new items you’ve listed when they login. They can either buy, sell or refer you to one of their buddies. It is like eBay except with people that you already know and trust directly (or a few degrees out).

See the complete story, including screenshots, at Neowin.

Neowin | Exclusive: Future of MSN Messenger/Hotmail in Wave 11