My PubSub subscription that gives me RSS feeds of blog posts that contain the phrases “organizational communication” or “corporate communication” (see earlier post) continues to provide some really interesting news and information.
For instance, Workers Rights and Comfortability: Key to Productivity at Macy*s Herald Square, a post today in the Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation blog (dig the acronym!).
The post discusses, in considerable length and detail, sales-floor issues at Macy*s department store with some well thought-out recommendations for resolving them, to the benefit of the company, customers and employees.
Here’s how it begins:
Hello visitors and Welcome to an Organizational Communication Blog by Imbar Lawrence and Kimberly Studer. This Project Blog is an attempt to utilize Organizational Communication Skills to increase productivity at Macy*s Herald Square, increase workers comfortability, and ultimately solve a merchandise back-up problem to increase customers shopping experience. Having Imbars’ personal experience having worked at Macy*s during the dayshift and night shift, has enabled Imbar and Kim to utilize their knowledge grasped through the text Organizational Communication for Survival: Making Work, Work, by Richmond and McCroskey, and through enlightenment of Prof. Gilbert who introduced technologies, Cellphones, Smart Mobs, and Blogs which can bring organizations together yielding many benefits. Though we ultimately propose a new model, which is feasible, the underlying sublimation is that soon one will be shopping online via. Virtual Stores due to increased retail company’s on-line presence. Click away and take a break to do some shopping if you please.
I just love that last sentence! It’s worth investing 15 minutes reading the complete post.
A great insight into a facet of a large retail company as seen through the eyes of a regular grass-roots employee that you simply would otherwise never have even an inkling about. Imbie (the author) deserves some comments to her post (not easy to leave any, though: it’s a BlogSpot blog and requires you to have a Blogger blog to comment).
Well why don’t you start another blog at Thanks for the wonderful commentary.
Hi Imbie, glad you like the commentary.
Re commenting on BlogSpot blogs, that’s all now been resolveed – you can now leave comments on any Blogger/Blogspot blog without having to have one of those blogs:
There is a need for petite clothing for short women who are a size 18 or more.
I recently pruchased two Liz Claiborne woman, coats, sizes 20 and 22.
It wasn’t until I needed the pockets that I realized that my arms were three inches too short to use the side seam pockets.
I like roomey coats but not being able to use the pockets was disturbing. The fact that I also got the same coat for my mother made me feel like I failed her. Not only did I get her a short coat, I got her a short coat that had pockets that she could not use. Take the coat back? you might say.
I would have if she had another winter coat to wear while I looked for something else to charge to my Macys account
I liked the nubby texture of the black material, the hood, the side slits at the bottom, stadium coat design.
Juanita Randall
A Customer