The voting’s over and the results are known in the 2004 Weblog Awards contest which closed yesterday.
The award for Best Overall Blog went to Powerline, a US political blog run by a group of lawyers. The Best Tech Blog award went to Engadget, one of my personal favourite blogs.
As it’s a long list, I won’t post all the winners here – you can navigate the full list of winners in the 35 different categories on the award website.
I was a finalist in the Best European (Non UK) Blog category – and came in last position. The category winner was The Dissident Frogman (deservedly so in my view, as this is one heck of a blog!).
I probably would have done a lot better if I had hacked the voting as some people did through using an automated voting code that a member of the Daily Kos community wrote and distributed.
Best reaction on that from another Daily Kos community member:
I read and understand your code. I read your post, but in order to understand it completely, I have to ask, in fact I would be remiss if I did not ask:
We’re here talking about how to make sure that every legal vote is counted in the elections that really matter, and you go and disgrace us with this!
If we are going to have any credibility in looking at elections, we must avoid even the appearance of impropriety. In one shot you managed to destroy DailyKos’ credibility.
Nevertheless, it was fun being part of this contest. I didn’t imagine I’d get into the final, so that’s quite a thrill anyway. I know of six blogging buddies who voted for me because they told me. Thanks for your support! To the unknown other 11½ voters, thanks for your support, too!