The Donald is The Brand

Thanks to his real estate prowess and hit reality show, America’s most watched billionaire says his brand “has become the best brand,” reports Business Week.

Business Week publishes a recent conversation with Trump to discuss the state of his business and his brand. A snippet re his hit show The Apprentice (which we see here in Amsterdam on one of the local channels):

[…] Nobody thought a show that’s largely based on business would ever have huge ratings. It might have a place on CNBC but that’s it. Not only did it get great ratings but it became the No. 1 [new] show of the season.

That was a great boost to business. I also think we teach ethics in a certain way on the show. I think it’s a great tribute to business that The Apprentice is such a success…. In Australia, it’s the [top-rated] show. People everywhere are interested in this stuff.

Business Week | Trump: Bigger than Coke or Pepsi?

The Apprentice does have some compulsion about it. You simply have to watch it. It certainly seems to be doing better than The Rebel Billionaire, the new similar show Richard Branson started last month on Fox in the US. That one hasn’t arrived here yet.