WebProNews re-publishes NevOn content

Through an informal agreement, tech news portal WebProNews has started re-publishing some of my posts on their news site. Here’s the first re-published post.

I was more than pleased to make this agreement when WebProNews asked if they could re-publish some of my content. It is an informal arrangement – I am not receiving any payment or any other compensation. It’s not a sponsorship arrangement of any type – I have no obligation or commitment to promote WebProNews on my blog, and they have no obligation or commitment to re-publish anything. What they choose to re-publish is entirely at their editors’ discretion.

As you might imagine, I am pleased that WebProNews believe that some of what I write about here will be of interest to their readers. Rich Ord, CEO of iEntry Inc, the owner of WebProNews, tells me that I will be joining the ranks of the US bloggers with whom WebProNews has similar informal arrangements, including Steve Rubel’s Micro Persuasion, Andy Beal’s SearchEngineLowdown, and Jeremy Zawodny’s blog.

Clearly this arrangement means there’s a huge potential benefit for my blog in terms of increasing visibility: in addition to being an article portal for internet and technology professionals, WebProNews also has an email newsletter that has over 800,000 subscribers delivered in two separate editions of 400,000 each.

I believe it also represents an evolution in traditional journalism, linking commentary and opinion in blogs written by people like me who are not professional journalists with news outlets run by professional journalists.

I’m sure we’ll see more such relationship developments.

6 thoughts on “WebProNews re-publishes NevOn content

  1. Fantastic news, Neville! I’d be curious to hear again later what the effect actually is on your traffic…
    Cheers to you!

  2. Thanks, guys! I appreciate your warm words!
    And Phillip, the typo in Mr Nielsen’s name is wholly my fault, not WebProNews. Obviously I spelled it incorrectly in my blog post which was re-published by WebProNews including in the newsletter.

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