BlogAid pledge to support the Asia disaster

UK blogger Andy Budd has come up with an outstanding initiative to focus the support of bloggers in a very tangible way on the Asia earthquake/tsunamis disaster.

Andy has started BlogAid, bascially a pledge service – you go to the BlogAid site and publicly make a commitment:

Help support the Tsunami and Earthquake relief efforts by pledging the proceeds of any advertising or affiliate schemes you have on your site for the month of January to your country’s Tsunami Earthquake appeal.

This is just the type of thing I had in mind in how blogs can help keep the awareness alive which I posted about yesterday – but in a way that also helps with real contributions.

So I’m very happy to make the commitment that any earnings I make from my Amazon Associates affiliate scheme will go to this cause. As I’m in The Netherlands, that means to the appeal launched by the Dutch Red Cross (info in Dutch).

Thanks to Octavio Rojas for news about BlogAid.

2 thoughts on “BlogAid pledge to support the Asia disaster

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