As I said in my post yesterday, things are moving fast in the business of blogs.
Strong rumours yesterday, confirmation today.
In a press release dated today, Six Apart announced that it has acquired Danga Interactive, the owner of Live Journal, for an undisclosed amount of stock and cash.
The press release says that, with the acquisition, “Six Apart solidifies its position as the industry’s recognized leader in weblogging software across all markets, and LiveJournal can continue its rapid growth trajectory under Six Apart’s umbrella. As of today, the combined user base of both companies exceeds 6.5 million users.”
See the press release for the full public announcement.
Additional information in Mena’s Corner, the blog of Six Apart co-founder Mena Trott, and the acquisition FAQ.
Good communication work, I imagine planned and executed by Six Apart’s PR agency, Krause-Taylor Associates.
As a TypePad user, my congratulations to everyone on this deal!