Komo News: Are you ready for Star Wars: Episode Three? Don’t get excited just yet, the new movie doesn’t open until May. But for one Seattle fan, it’s never too early, or too cold, to start the wait. Jeff Twieden [sic] doesn’t care that it’s freezing outside. He’s camping out in front of the Cinerama Theater in downtown Seattle, waiting for Episode Three to open. It’s only 22 weeks away.
Hat tip for the news to Todd Cochrane at Geek News Central who talks about this in the Geek News Central Podcast #29 (28Mb MP3) released today. Of course, there’s lots of other interesting content in the podcast as usual. For me, though, this was the essential listening part 😉
But the best bit is that Jeff (the one queuing in Seattle, aka “Superfan 1138”) has Waiting for Star Wars, his blog in which he is blogging about his life in line:
Follow me, Jeff Tweiten, as I wait in line for 5 months in front of the Seattle Cinerama theatre for the opening of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
May the force be with you, Jeff!