Doing the iPod shuffle

iPodlounge: Apple’s retail store in San Francisco sold 20,000 iPod shuffle units in its first four hours of availability this week, depleting its entire inventory. […] While some individuals purchased four, six, and nine of the 512MB, $99 units, the day’s record was apparently set by someone who purchased 24 at once. iPod shuffles are currently shipping to Apple retail stores.

So it looks like my cunning plan to buy one of these little beauties when I go over to the States in a couple of weeks for the New Communication Forum 2005 conference could be doomed. There may not be any left by the time I get there. I’m after the 1-gig model, though, so perhaps those won’t all be gone…

Enjoy uncertainty. Yep.

(Hat tip for the link: Andrew Smith at The View from Object Towers)