I’ve made some changes to the appearance of this blog.
Primarily, I’ve made the overall layout now occupy the full screen area. Before, the layout was a specific pixel width with space at the left and right, a common layout on many blogs. I’ve also re-done the banner graphic at the top.
My thinking about why and how, plus the progression of the new layout, is noted in posts in NevOn Experimental, my new additional blog that’s the place for trying, testing and talking about new and interesting things. I’ll be using that blog more for expressing quick thoughts and ideas on technology-related topics mostly, with this main blog as where I’ll comment in more detail on business communication and technology topics, as I do now.
Constantin Basturea has been a massive help in my being able to finalize this revised appearance. Thanks again, Constantin.
If you have any comments about the “refreshed look,” I’d love to hear them.
You’ve done a good job for people with smaller screens. Well done. However, it will be interesting to see what people make of the very small sidebar font.
I’d still prefer if you choose to make your topbar way different. Something more appealing, if you want me to do a little 10-minute mockup for you, be welcome to e-mail me: jacob (at) boetter (dot) dk
Thanks David. I had that in mind (taking into account lower screen res), in fact, as a couple of people had mentioned in the past that it was difficult seeing the blog on, say, 800×600 screens. Horizontal scroll bars was one example. So making the content fluid works if you resize the browser window: the content then adjusts.
Sounds interesting, Jacob, thanks. I’ll drop you an email.