First session blogged

I just finished leading the discussion session on "Introduction to Corporate Blogging" which provides an overview introduction using blogs from a company’s perspective, looking at examples of what some companies and other organizations are currently doing.

Anita Campbell of Small Business Trends, who participated in the session, has blogged it. Nice commentary, too 😉

Edit: Shel Holtz also blogs it, on one of the discussion points on blogs vs forums.

By the way, with all my posts this week from Napa, the time of each post will still show as Central European Time as that’s the time zone setting for my blog. As I’m in Napa, I’m actually writing and publishing at 9 hours behind CET (8 hours behind GMT). Just so you know when you see a post timed at 3:00am or something, it would have been written 8 hours GMT earlier.

3 thoughts on “First session blogged

  1. Have a good time in Napa.
    What’s going on with the URL space?
    It won’t be available again?
    Best regards from freezing Madrid,

  2. Thanks, guys! Yesterday really was a tremendous day, so much great thinking and discussion going on. I am certain today will be a terrfic finale to the event.
    Octavio, re URL, if you mean the NewComm site, that will have new material there once the conference is over.

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