The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #5: January 31, 2005

Show notes for January 31, 2005.

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Welcome to our weekly podcast, a 71:55-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Download the file here (MP3, 33.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For this, you’ll need ipodder, software that lets you subscribe to receive podcasts automatically and sync them to your digital player.)

In this week’s show:


  • 00:26 Shel and Neville on what this show’s about; brief comment on last week’s audio glitch
  • 01:28 Skype voice messaging beta test; Skype text messaging

Short Takes:

  • 06:20 GM FastLane Blog – Tom Stephens, Group Vice President, GM Powertrain, starts posting; the role of PR
  • 09:27 My Blog: Margot Wallström, Commissioner for Communications at the European Commission – now with comments, trackbacks and RSS
  • 12:54 Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide launches internal communication practice
  • 16:04 Fun with an iPod Mini
  • 17:25 Stuart Henshall’s iPod-Skype virtual jukebox
  • 18:38 Online magazine TechCentralStation to provide portal for bloggers for US President George Bush’s State of the Union address
  • 21:46 AOL drops access to Usenet, focuses on blogs instead
  • 22:54 Sony laptops and volume matters


  • 25:40 New Communications Forum 2005 in Napa, California, last week – how it was and making connections
  • 37:48 Blogging ethics gets coverage by the mainstream press
  • 46:17 Using blogs in crisis communications
  • 52:26 Next week’s planned interview – Bigha, the company which makes the green lasers: in the news recently re beaming at aircraft
  • 53:28 World Economic Forum blog – aiming for transparency and stimulating dialog


  • 59:17 Show length: Is it too long? Should we split it into two shows? No comments yet – we’d like your feedback!
  • 60:21 Two podcast interviews at Napa last week – Fergus Burns, CEO of Nooked, and Jeremy Wright, budding business book author and dooced blogger
  • 61:08 How to give your feedback; about the music and the band

Links for the blogs, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show:

Intro – Skype, Skype voice messaging beta test.

Short Takes – GM FastLane Blog, GM Powertrain, Hass MS&L, Margot Wallström, Vice-President of the European Commission, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, iPod Mini, iPod Shuffle, Apple store Walnut Creek, iPod Mini setup on Windows, Stuart Henshall,, State of the Union, European Constitution, UK General Election, Allan Jenkins, Hans Kullin, AOL, Google, Sony.

Features – New Communications Forum 2005, Elizabeth Albrycht, Jennifer McClure, Guillaume du Gardier, Technorati, Constantin Basturea, The New PR Wiki, Christopher Carfi, IT Toolbox, The Steelhead Brewery, Alice Marshall, Dan Forbush, Jeremy Wright, Fergus Burns, Radio Shack, IABC, Chicago Daily Herald, AP, Marqui, Rebecca Blood, Geek News Central, Armstrong Williams, PRSA, Creative Commons, Fredrik Wackå, Alaska Airlines, Steve Rubel, Bigha, World Economic Forum, WEF Blog, Sharon Stone, Loic Le Meur, Six Apart, David Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Mackinnon, Barney Frank.

Outro –, RIAA, The Dave Manley Band, A Shel of My Former Self, NevOn.

If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.

Until next week…

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)

4 thoughts on “The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #5: January 31, 2005

  1. I enjoy your podcasts very much. I especially enjoy the notes that accompany the shows so that I can find specific chunks of information and refer to the URLs mentioned.
    As for the length — I’ve got to say 1 hour is a little long for my attention span. Not so much that the content isn’t there. Just that I tend to get a little lost and think a shorter format might help to parse this into more bitsized chunks.
    I find myself getting interrupted and losing the train of thought going on in the podcast. Starting and stoping isn’t necessarily an effective way to follow the conversation.
    Your features though do, I think, lend themselves to shorter podcasts.
    Thanks for the work and thanks for asking for feedback.

  2. Thanks Marnie, very glad to hear you like the show.
    On timing, I listen to what you say. I think you’re right: perhaps we did make this one, at 72 mins, a bit too long. We have been toying with the idea of splitting the show into two shorter ones. So feedback like yours helps us decide what’s best for delivering the content that people are prepared to spend the time on. Plus the longer the show with more content, the longer it takes to prepare the show notes…
    We’ll talk about this in next week’s show. Which will be less than 72 mins 😉

  3. Hi Neville – I enjoy your podcasts very much – than you very much.
    You had a comment on weblogs displacing other online forums. I think I heard you saying that weblogs can’t displace the forums known today.
    I think it in fact can. Etienne Wenger described some thoughts about Community of Practice, but in a physical context. It was back in the early 90’s.
    Lately there has been a lot of buzz about – in fact – the same principles but in at digital context – I don’t remember the authors but I know that has some very useful references on the topic.
    Just to let you know.
    Best Regards
    Hans Henrik

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