Firefox NYT ad poster delays

As one of the contributors to the ground-breaking Firefox double-page ad in the New York Times in December, I ordered the poster version from the Mozilla store expecting to receive it in early January.

A couple of emails in early January reported on delays finalizing and shipping the poster as corrections were being made (name spellings, etc). Fine. They are good at their communication in letting you know what’s going on, so I was ok with that.

But here we are in February and still no poster in the mail. And today arrived the latest update from the Mozilla store:

We’re sorry for the continued delays, and we sincerely appreciate your patience, but we are still finding and fixing errors in the New York Times poster. It’s taking longer than we expected to ensure all names are present and correctly spelled. The project was simply far larger than anyone expected. We will update everyone again as soon as we have a better idea as to the date we’ll actually be able to ship the posters. Again, thanks for your patience.

So if you’re waiting for your poster, now you know why you’re still waiting.

In related developments, plans are advancing for a full-page colour ad in The Netherlands.

From Mozillazine:

Following the advertisement in the New York Times and the German ad in FAZ, some people in the Netherlands want to do the same in a Dutch newspaper. They chose De Telegraaf, simply because it’s the biggest newspaper in the Netherlands. De Telegraaf gave a 55% reduction and the costs of one full colour page in De Telegraaf are now €35.000,-. That’s about US$46,000. The plan is to publish this ad just after the Firefox 1.1 release if enough money is collected.

A pretty tough job if comments to Mozillazine’s post are anything to go by (lots of disagreement with the media choice). As of yesterday, a little over €7,500 has been raised leaving over €27K still to go. Firefox 1.1 is now planned for release in June (see roadmap).

Yesterday, Spread Firefox reported that over 23 million copies of Firefox have now been downloaded.