Wiki repository of PR and related knowledge

I had the great pleasure of meeting Constantin Basturea at the New Communications Forum 2005 conference in California last month. Constantin writes PR Meets the WWW, his online learning journal with a focus on public relations and on how new technologies are changing PR practice as we know it. We have much in common on what we focus on with our blogs and why.

Constantin’s also one of the architects of the Global PR Blog Week 1.0, the seminal online event about public relations and blogs which ran last July. Archived information related to that event, including more than 50 articles and interviews, is available in The New PR Wiki, a superb repository of PR-related knowledge and information that Constantin started and maintains, and which is the primary point of this post.

I’d originally planned to write this post to mention that Constantin has just added extensive quality information about the California conference in the wiki. For instance, if you want to find detailed information on what people are saying about the event all in one place from hundreds of posts in different blogs, look no further than here.

But The New PR Wiki has more. It’s also the home of the CEO Blogs List and the new Corporate Blogs List and Product Blogs List.

In sum, The New PR Wiki contains a wide range of information that will be of value to any communication professional. And it’s not only information – the wiki is:

  • a repository of relevant information about how PR practice is changing
  • a collaboration tool for PR professionals and people interested in the practice of public relations
  • an open space where anyone can ask questions, post ideas, or start a project

So check it out. It’s a one-stop place for a great deal of knowledge.

The New PR Wiki

2 thoughts on “Wiki repository of PR and related knowledge

  1. Neville, thank you so much for featuring the NewPR Wiki on NevOn! As always, I’m at a loss of words when someone is saying nice things about me 🙂
    As a way of saying “thank you!” I started a new page on the wiki about the legal challenges related to blogging:
    I know you have posted many times on this topic, and I hope you’ll be interested in contributing to the new page.

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