From today, this blog has a new address:
This reflects domain mapping I’ve implemented at TypePad. The underlying TypePad address is still there and will continue to work. Links to existing posts, the RSS feed, etc, all will continue to work. So you need do nothing if you prefer not to.
One consequence of implementing this change is that you may suddenly see previous posts show up in your RSS feed reader during today as a result of the site being completely republished in order to fully implement the domain change. Sorry for cluttering up your RSS reader if this happens. You can just delete these duplicate posts.
If you want to know more about this change from the technical point of view, you can read the details at NevOn Experimental.
You might be wondering, "Why did he make this change?" Well, it’s to do with branding. ‘NevOn’ is the name of this blog and it’s also the name I’m increasingly using for all my business purposes.
I’m discovering that the ‘NevOn’ name is gaining increasing recognition, so I want to leverage that as much as possible including in the address of my primary marketing tool, which is this blog.