An open conversation with Robert Scoble, Microsoft geek blogger

Yesterday, Shel and I interviewed Robert Scoble, the Scobleizer, in our bi-weekly podcast show, For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report.

In a 38-minute conversation, we discussed a wide range of topics, including evangelism, anti-marketing, blogging, RSS and reading feeds, email mailing lists, relationships with colleagues, internal blogs at Microsoft, The Red Couch book project, a blogging ombudsman, and advice for communicators.

You can download the conversation (MP3, 25Mb) and listen to what we talked about. Follow the overall show with the show notes. And, sign up to the RSS feed to get future shows automatically in your RSS reader.

As we always do our show and interviews over Skype, this one was the same. We Skyped Robert in from his office in Redmond, USA, and, after fixing a few little sound glitches at the start, had a terrific discussion!

I’ve just posted the complete transcript of the conversation on our podcast blog.

One thought on “An open conversation with Robert Scoble, Microsoft geek blogger

  1. Scoble: ‘You Don’t Want a Relationship with Me’

    “The fact that you don’t have RSS tells me that there’s a bigger disease. It tells me that you don’t want a relationship with me as a connector,” says Robert Scoble, “I want an ongoing relationship with a company that I do business with, and I’m not go…

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