The tipping point for IABC

After weeks of leadership silence as IABC members and others conduct an open and, at times, volatile discussion on Allan Jenkins’ blog (nearly 50 comments at my last count), incoming IABC Chair Warren Bickford has now contributed some comments to a parallel discussion that’s starting to develop in Memberspeak, IABC’s discussion forum for members only.

In one of two posts to Memberspeak yesterday, Warren says:

Many of us have been reading – with great interest I might add – the various blogs that are currently discussing IABC. It has been particularly interesting reading postings that lay out the top three things I must do next year. Thank you everyone for your input.

He focuses much of his comments on IABC’s strategic plan and provides a robust defence to criticisms of current IABC Chair David Kistle. I’m not going to post Warren’s comments here as he made them within IABC’s private discussion area.

If you’re an IABC member, you can log in to Memberspeak, read what Warren has to say and contribute your own comments.

Is this the start of the changes that participants to the discussion on Allan’s blog have been demanding, and which are also reflected in posts in Memberspeak? Let’s see what develops.

2 thoughts on “The tipping point for IABC

  1. IABC Blog Speaks – 68 Days Later

    Something popped up on my RSS feeder yesterday and I almost tapped the side of my monitor to see if there was a problem with the screen. It was an update to the IABC Chairman’s Blog.

  2. IABC Blog Speaks – 68 Days Later

    Something popped up on my RSS feeder yesterday and I almost tapped the side of my monitor to see if there was a problem with the screen. It was an update to the IABC Chairman’s Blog.

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