The colours of Keukenhof

One of the things The Netherlands is well known for is flowers, tulips in particular. And there’s one place in particular where you can see tulips of every single type imaginable. Not only tulips, but also other flowers including rare orchids.

That place is Keukenhof outside the town of Lisse, about a 20-minute drive from Amsterdam towards The Hague.

Keukenhof is the place where, each year from late March to late May, nearly 100 Dutch bulb-growing companies exhibit the best and most beautiful flowers in The Netherlands. Keukenhof has become one of the best-known attractions in the country and one of the most photographed sights in the world, with some 700,000 visitors each year.

The Keukenhof estate is a big place, covering some 30+ hectares (74 acres). The grounds are filled with flowers of every type. At this time of year, not many are yet in bloom – May is the best time to go for seeing a kaleidoscope of colour wherever you look.

But we took a family trip to Keukenhof today. The various exhibition halls, being under cover and with controlled environments, have all the flowers you could want to see in full and spectacular bloom.

One point in going is to capture what you see on disk (no, not film any more). So I took quite a few photos and I’ve just uploaded them to Flickr.

Feast your eyes on the colours of Keukenhof!

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