The health of Pope John Paul is looking increasingly grave, according to all news reports. Things are not looking good at all.
One medium I will be following closely is the Catholic Insider, the podcast blog by Father Roderick Vonhögen, catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Utrecht here in The Netherlands.
As I write this, Father Roderick’s latest post today says:
In an hour I will take the plane to Rome from Schiphol airport. The upcoming week I will be podcasting from the Vatican to keep you informed about everything that’s happening over there.
Father Roderick is an outstanding podcaster, a natural communicator. As he often says in his shows, no boring sermons here. So I’m sure his podcasts in the coming days will be required listening, whatever your religion.
Priest is podcasting from the Vatican
…Of course, I would expect no less from a priest who lives in Amsterdam.
Priest is podcasting from the Vatican
…Of course, I would expect no less from a priest who lives in Amsterdam.
Podcasts from The Vatican
Neville Hobson reports we can expect podcasts from Rome as Pope John Paul II’s health deteriorates. Neville writes:One medium I will be following closely is the Catholic Insider, the podcast blog by Father Roderick Vonhögen, catholic priest of the Arc…
Funny, I listen to Father Roderick from time to time as well, and to cut out all the conflicting and biased news reports coming from regular TV, I immediately went to the Catholic Insider. This would be the first situation I have turned to podcasting for breaking news. This medium is really coming into its own.
Thanks for passing this along Neville.