Completing the circle

Jeremy Pepper in Scottsdale, Arizona, has finally got a trackback capability on his blog, Musings from POP! Public Relations.

I’ve been trying to persuade him to do this because a) he writes some very good content, and b) I can’t connect to that content if I post something on my blog related to his writing. At the same time, he can’t connect his posts to other blog posts either.

Good content is the starting point for developing a conversation. But, as I commented recently, it is the connections that create value from content. Your post can be the most scintillating, even original, content but if no one else links to it – and, hence, starts a conversation chain reaction – you may as well not have bothered at all.

This linking and connectivity will become ever more important for business as part of the means by which you can learn who’s saying what about you and your product or service. Look at new measurement techniques that are emerging that track conversation linking and development – the BlogPulse Conversation Tracker from Intelliseek is a very good example.

So, a good move, Jeremy! And yes, I have trackbacked to your post about this topic 😉

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