My online friend Uri Levanon called me today from Israel. He called to my SkypeIn number.
That’s in itself isn’t remarkable. What is, perhaps, is that he called that number – which is a normal landline number in London – from his internet phone service. Not Skype this time. Uri was calling from The VoipBuster. For free.
Another VOIP service to join Skype and Teleo (and probably others).
Is it worth it? Well, I’m going to try it. The sound quality on the call with Uri was almost as good as a Skype call. And, if you really can use it to call normal phones for free, then it’s definitely worth a try.
The VoipBuster website lists 15 countries where you can call people there for free on their normal phones (not mobile numbers). For calls to numbers in all other countries, you’d buy credit from the VoipBuster, much as you do now with SkypeOut.
The VoipBuster software is for Windows only at the moment. And it’s still beta. Free download.
Just used this new service called VoipBuster. Seems to be yet another VoIP service, but, the one difference is that it allows calling landline numbers for free. Right now the free calls are available only to a few popular destinations. I had to try thi…
I just tried it and free calls to mobile phones can be made 🙂
i can not get access to voip buster , can some one help to get a user name and password to be able to call
thank you
dreams, you’ll need to go to the website for the answer to your question: