Catholic Insider podcasting rig

A special invited guest at yesterday’s Blognomics conference in Amsterdam was Father Rodrick Vonhogen of the Catholic Insider podcast, the one that’s been top of the downloads hit parade on Podcast Alley for some weeks.

Father Rodrick couldn’t make it, unfortunately – he’s still in Rome podcasting from the Vatican – so he made a Dutch-language recorded message for the event.

His podcasts are very nicely done, highly professional in content and presentation. I enjoy listening to them. So I’ve been intrigued to learn what his rig is like. Last month, Shel and I posted photos and commentary about our podcasting rig. How does that stack up against the Catholic Insider’s?

Well, I’m no expert, so it’s difficult for me to say. But take a look at this photo of Father Rodrick’s rig that Guido van Nispen took a few days ago.

That looks like pretty serious stuff to me!