Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on featuring FIR, snarkiness by Business Week, having a guest host for the show, archiving and broadcasting audio input, blogs that float in outer space, audio blog summaries, syndicating RSS feeds, yet more on character blogs, doing promos like Adam Curry, searching podcasts by keywords); a broad review of Les Blogs; Apple is the new ‘old Microsoft’; lawyers start podcasting.
Show notes for April 28, 2005
Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 64-minute conversation recorded live from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and almost live from Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Download the file here (MP3, 25.6MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital player, you’ll also need software such as the FeedDemon RSS aggregator, or the free ipodder or DopplerRadio).
In this edition:
- 00:29 Neville introduces this show; how to give your feedback; show notes
- 03.00 Listeners’ comments with Shel, including 3 MP3s
- 23:37 Les Blogs – blogging it, podcasting it, photographing it, talking about it, presenting it… a great and authentic social networking event [Technorati tag: lesblogs. Flickr tag:]
Short Takes:
- 49:22 Apple in the press and taking over the arrogance label
- 53:33 A law firm podcasts
- 55:36 Doc Searls Les Blogs presentation; two very interesting interviews scheduled in May; show notes; how to give your feedback; about the music and the band; outro music
Links for the blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show:
Intro – New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, Audacity, Chris Ritke, 49Media, Scott Solomon, Business Week on blogs, Robert French, Steve Rubel, Johannes Gutenberg, Dan York, Peter Dean, Nicecast, Apple PowerBook, iPod, NewsFire, Steve Lubetkin, Olympus DS2, Union for Reformed Judaism, Disney World, Sherlock Holmes, Lee Hopkins, Richard Byrom, Adam Curry, Thalys, Podscope.
Feature – Les Blogs, French Senate, Fredrik Wacka, Lloyd Davis, Lee Bryant, Anu Gupta, Loic Le Meur, Euan Semple, Martin Dugage, Doc Searls, New Communications Forum, Skype, Flickr, BBC, Yat Sui, Outblaze, MSN Spaces, Peer Pressure, Mary Hodder, BloggerCon, Dave Winer, Guillaume du Gardier, Blogging Planet.
Short Takes – Apple, RIAA, Steve Jobs, Microsoft, Channel 9, Robert Scoble, Houston Chronicle, GM FastLane podcasts, iPressRoom, The Williams Law Firm, May It Please The Court.
Outro – Doc Searls Les Blogs presentation,, Cara Luna Amica, Rebecca Dru, Alta Vista Babel Fish, For Immediate Release, A Shel of My Former Self, NevOn.
If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at, or call the Comment Line at +1 206 984 0931. You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.
So, until Monday May 2…
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)
Neville, thanks very much for your kind comments and feedback – I felt similarly, that perhaps the background sound was too much (it’s beyond my technical skills to do anything about it), but on balance thought it was worth putting out for some of the gems in there and the way that it does communicate the feel of the event – glad you enjoyed it.
You’re welcome, Lloyd. I did enjoy listening to it even though it hurt my ears 😉
I agree with you that doing it and making it available as is was a great idea. Apart from anything else, it gives you a real sense of the crowds and the conversations which you can hear as background. It’s almost as if you were there.
What portable recorder do you have?
Thanks for the kind words about the Peer Pressure blog in your podcast. You mentioned that you weren’t able to identify me. There is actually a link on my blog to this information (, but it is perhaps a bit subtle. Also, I noticed that for some reason there were links going around to my Les Blogs posts that referenced the “printer-friendly” format that does not contain the blog sidebar with the About link. So for the record, here are the canonical links to the relevant posts:
Les Blogs: Impressions (
Les Blogs: What are These Blog Things, Anyway? (
Neville, thanks for asking.
The equipment I used for recording at Lesblogs is the same as I use for my soundseeing tours of London.
I have a Sony MD Walkman MZ-NH700 (which I chose as the cheapest of the new Hi-MD minidisc players from Sony that has a proper mic in socket). I use a mono Lavalier mic from Vivanco, the EM116, which I had lying around when I started podcasting.
I take the audio over to my PC via a USB cable in the Sony proprietary format and use their WAV converter to make a file that I can then edit. I use Audacity to turn the one channel stereo I end up with to two-channel mono but rarely do any other processing. I usually then encode to MP3 at a bitrate of 64kbps.
This was unusual because I was sewing discrete bits together. On this occasion I recorded the link passages later with my Phillips (don’t have the model no.) stick mic and added random bits of chatter behind that to cover the edits – I rushed a bit to get it out and probably could have made the link chatter a bit quieter to give your ears more of a break. I could also have got better quality and less background noise by using the stick mic on the day but I wouldn’t have captured the informality that I was after.
Very interesting to see what you’re using, Lloyd. You’re the second podcaster I know who’s using a Sony minidisc player/recorder of some type rather than a flash memory recorder.
You use Audacity, which I think just about everyone does. It is good if with a slightly steep learning curve for all the bells and whistles.
Thanks for sharing that info.
Hi Matt.
Sorry I couldn’t ID you. I have now found the link. Staring me in the face now that I see it. But you’re right – it is perhaps a bit subtle!