Add your voice to new Edelman survey

Edelman PR is conducting research for their second annual "New Frontiers in Communications" survey.

Like the first one published last August, the 2005 survey attempts to learn more about the variety of information channels that companies use to communicate with their employees and, to a certain extent, with external audiences, as well as to discover how organizations are handling new communication channels like blogs and wikis.

Edelman have asked some 300 communication professionals worldwide to take the survey, a significant increase on the numbers and geographies from last year (which was US and Canada only). If you didn’t get that invitation, and if you have internal communication responsibility for your organization or for an agency, please do add your voice to the overall body of opinion.

Edelman say they will share the results of the survey with all participants within a few weeks.

The survey will take you less than 10 minutes to complete and is open until 13 May. Why not do it now!