GM blog continues to push the envelope

There’s a new blogger on the GM FastLane Blog, with a new approach – talking to women.

A post yesterday by Cynthia Price, GM Center of Expertise, Women’s Market Initiative:

I’ve been noticing that guys make most of the comments in this blog. But I’d like to address the women out there.

It seems there is a lot of interest out on the web regarding women and GM. Some of the questions we’ve heard: Does GM have women designing products? Does GM know that women make a large percentage of buying decisions? Does GM train dealers on how to best serve women?

I’m here to tell you that the answer to all of these is an emphatic “Yes.” GM wants more women as customers, employees and dealers. And frankly, in today’s environment, any company that doesn’t strive to meet the needs of women is crazy!

Yet another example of how GM is really pushing the envelope with this blog. It confirms my view that GM is indeed the poster child for corporate blogging.

This blog is no casual communication channel. According to GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz (the ‘senior blogger’):

The blog has become an important unfiltered (emphasis on unfiltered) voice for the company, our customers and auto enthusiasts.

A clear message to literally any other company – where there’s the will, there’s the way.

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9 thoughts on “GM blog continues to push the envelope

  1. Good ideas! From the description on the BlogHer site, Cynthia would undoubtedly make some excellent connections there.
    From the mission:
    “BlogHer’s goal is helping women bloggers identify, reach and grow the audience they seek by raising their visibility and searchability. Once women bloggers build relationships with each other — online and in person –- it will be easier for Web users to find more quality, relevant bloggers. A broader diversity of top-trafficked bloggers will follow.”
    That seems to fit nicely with what Cynthia said in her post yesterday at GM FastLane re reaching out to women. Ok, car drivers, but you get my point.

  2. Hierarchy, Subverted

    Was reading the recent post by Cynthia Price on the GM Fastlane blog. (hat tip: nevon) Down in the comments were two items that stood out: Mary Freund: “Dear Mr.Lutz: I am a G.M. employee. I work in Doraville ,

  3. Hierarchy, Subverted

    Was reading the recent post by Cynthia Price on the GM Fastlane blog. (hat tip: nevon) Down in the comments were two items that stood out: Mary Freund: “Dear Mr.Lutz: I am a G.M. employee. I work in Doraville ,

  4. Hierarchy, Subverted

    Was reading the recent post by Cynthia Price on the GM Fastlane blog. (hat tip: nevon) Down in the comments were two items that stood out: Mary Freund: “Dear Mr.Lutz: I am a G.M. employee. I work in Doraville ,

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