Blogging the IABC conference

Incoming IABC Chair Warren Bickford has issued a call to action for communicators attending IABC’s annual international conference in Washington, DC, next month to blog the conference sessions:

[…] Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to become a roving Café reporter and post “reviews” of the sessions you attend or comment on anything else of interest that happens to you at the conference. . . . dramatic spark and puff of smoke!

A great call, Warren! I won’t be at the conference, unfortunately, otherwise I’d definitely be blogging it. Which leads to an observation – I hope the conference hotel has wi-fi everywhere so that bloggers actually can blog those sessions. If so, then blogging (and RSS) can make the event.

One suggestion – ask everyone to include a Technorati tag in their posts which will then make it dead easy for anyone to find those posts. The same with photos – do a Flickr tag, assuming everyone will upload their pics to that service.

The IABC conference takes place from 26-29 June. One late but most welcome addition to the conference programme is the Blogs: the hot new tool for corporate communicators discussion panel moderated by Debbie Weil. Some great panelists already. Hopefully, that panel will grow to include a blogger or two who’s an IABC member.