Hot Recorder is hot for podcasters!

If you’re a podcaster, and you don’t have any kind of professional-type hardware (a mixer, for instance), and you’re looking for almost the perfect way to record interviews via Skype relying just on software, then this is the solution for you.

Purely by chance, I discovered HotRecorder this afternoon. And let me tell you straightaway – this is HOT! It is perfect for recording both ends of a Skype conversation, so perfect for podcasters doing interviews.

No fiddling with things like virtual audio cables (with which I’ve had nothing but nightmares) and no re-configuring anything in your Windows set up. No tweaking your sound settings. Just install HotRecorder, reboot your PC – you don’t have to, but I recommend it – and you’re good to go.

I’ve been testing it this afternoon, and it works perfectly. Then Shel called me on Skype from the airport in San Antonio, Texas, and I recorded the call. Absolutely perfect! The sound quality is simply outstanding, as good as any I’ve heard by podcasters using professional equipment. It’s certainly far better than the sound quality you typically get with using Skype and a virtual audio cable set up.

HotRecorder is free. But, it records in its own proprietary file format, which of course is useless if you want to take a recording and include it in a podcast, because you can’t.

But there is a solution!

If you pay $14.95 for the Premium version, that also gives you access to a file converter, currently in beta, which lets you convert Hot Recorder files into either WAV or OGG Vorbis files. From there, it’s an easy step to convert that output to MP3 files using, for instance, Audacity.

I’ve not seen any one yet talking about HotRecorder as a podcaster’s dream software solution. Well, I’m talking about it. This really is hot – get it now!

6 thoughts on “Hot Recorder is hot for podcasters!

  1. I think I blogged a little about it…
    It’s what I used to record the first Business Blog Roundtable. I agree, it’s awesome and well worth the $15 USD.

  2. I tried it a few months ago with my Skype phone, but unfortunately it didn’t work. It only picked up the other caller’s voice and not my own.
    I think it is more to do with my phone that I’m using, as I don’t use a head set and mic. After bouncing emails back and forth with HotRecorder technicians I still had no luck.
    They advised me that they are still dealing with some issues and will hope to have them resolved in the near future.

  3. Thanks, guys, for those comments.
    Tris, I’ve actually now seen quite a few posts about Hot Recorder, nearly all of which are complaining about the app not working well. Hmm. From my limited experience so far, all I can say is – so far so good!
    Stephen, the Hot Recorder website does talk a bit about about potential USB conflicts. From the FAQ: “HotRecorder may not work properly with some USB adaptors. We are currently working to make HotRecorder compatible with all of them.”

  4. I wonder–being a long-time tech support human–if it’s the hardware. I have a basic Logictech headset with jacks directly in to audio out and mic in. I wonder if USB sets are causing problems.

  5. I’ve tried HotRecorder and it’s really awesome. The ultimate Skype recorder, which also works with other VoIP systems.
    Recording quality is superb and on top of that, the software enables you to save your recorded files, retrieve them and even share them with your buddies. It also comes with funny sound effect (emotisounds, I think they call them), which you can incorporate into your conversation.
    I’ve got the paid version ($ 14.99) and it comes with voice mail for Skype + the audio converter mentioned by Nevon which really makes podcasting a piece of cake.
    By the way, I’ve noticed that HotRecorder now accepts Paypal, which is really cool.
    I really recommend this nifty software.

  6. Also started using Hot Recorder. It worked great first time, but yesterday it crashed just after i had recorded a podcast with my brother……
    Perhaps i had other programs open that were interferring with it, or i closed a skype window that made it unstable. Anyway the podcast we made was lost at sea.
    My advice, be careful and don’t mess with other programs until you have finnished and “saved” you recording. Also i liked their emoticons, the ability to play prerecorded sounds while talking over Skype. They are the audio versions of smiley faces.
    A friend of mine, douglas from, , creates a weekly radio show for Wired of Wired. He has to interview a lot of people dotted over the globe. He used to have a complicated process of recording the audio online. Now we does everything with HotRecorder!

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