Schwarzenegger podcasts

Podcasting knows no boundaries as a communication channel. It was just a matter of time before high-profile and internationaly-known politicians embraced this medium.

Via Steve Rubel comes news that Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hollywood actor and current Governor of California, is now offering his weekly radio addresses as podcasts:

Podcasting is the latest in on-the-go, on-demand technology bringing the people of California closer in touch with their Governor. With podcasting, you can listen to the Governor’s radio programs whenever and wherever you choose.

The last sentence above is the key one – you can listen wherever and whenever you choose. It’s that simple. Not only that, a podcast reaches a global audience via the internet, not only those within physical receiving distance of a traditional radio broadcast.

The first podcast was online during last weekend – here’s the feed address. It’s a short one, about 3 minutes. I haven’t listened to it yet (it’s on my iPod ready to go). I wonder if he ends it with "I’ll be back!" …

3 thoughts on “Schwarzenegger podcasts

  1. Are we really sure it’s a podcast? I just assumed he was time travelling.

  2. Arnold Schwarzenegger setzt Podcasting ein

    Anord Schwarzenegger bietet nun politisch interessierte Podcaster die Möglichkeit, jede Woche was von ihn zu hören. Schöne Idee
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