I’ve just uploaded quite a few photos to Flickr:
- London Geek dinner 7 June: 25 photos (Flickr tags: londongeekdinner0607 and londongeekdinner) – views of a stroll from Green Park, down Duke Street, into St James Square, along the Mall, around Trafalgar Square and then to the Texas Embassy cantina in Cockspur Street for the London Geek Dinner, with a few shots of the event including the stars, Robert Scoble and Hugh MacLeod
- Communication Directors Forum 8-11 June: 62 photos (Flickr tags: communicationdirectorsforum and cdforum) – scenes from the conference on board the P&O Oriana cruise liner.
Now back in Amsterdam. Lots to think about and talk about, from the conference and the dinner. Posts to come during the week.