Reboot7 talk

Reboot 7.0 took place in Copenhagen last week, an event I’d have loved to have been at (if I hadn’t been presenting at the Communication Directors Forum, I would definitely have been there).

Already plenty of talk about presentations, conversations, etc, which you can track via the Technorati tag. That page includes links to other tagged content related to the event.

Fredrik has some good commentary about some of the presentations. Allan is starting a series of posts. And Binary Bonsai has had a religious experience by being there.

You’ll notice, by the way, that the Technorati link above is to the tag page on the new Technorati beta, launched last week. It certainly looks and feels like a far more user-friendly, less-techie place than the original Technorati – a good thing as it will be much easier for blogging newbies to figure out how to work Technorati.

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