Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on the linear nature of podcasts, RBLs, organizing thoughts about podcasts); guidelines for employee blogging; the Communication Directors Forum; communication measurement; what if the novelty of blogging wears off?; blogging and engagement; sans-serif or serif fonts?; rebuilding trust; blogs for tourism; the Ragan Corporate Communicators Conference; IABC International Conference; Global PR Blog Week 2.0.
Show notes for June 13, 2005
Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 65-minute conversation recorded live from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Download the file here (MP3, 27.5MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital player, you’ll also need software such as the FeedDemon RSS aggregator, or the free ipodder or DopplerRadio).
In this edition:
- 00:31 Neville introduces the show; what’s in this edition; how to give your feedback; show notes
Discussion on listeners’ comments:
- 01:52 Dan York on blogs vs. the linear nature of podcasts; RBLs and email spam; CEOs and blogging on the intranet
- 08:05 Robert Banghart on quality communications and organizing thoughts when listening to podcasts, and starting a blog and podcast. On organizing thoughts about podcasts, what do our listeners do?
- 12:28 Guidelines for employee blogging – Yahoo’s example and Jeremy Zawodny’s informal explanation
- 16:56 Neville’s comments on the Communication Directors Forum 3-day conference at sea last week – on photos, the cruise ship, the workshop, awareness about blogs, epiphanies and lightbulbs, no laptops, communicating with conference delegates
- 28:40 Communication measurement – new research from the Henley Management College and the CIPR; looking at communication as a management task; defining four different ways to measure communication
- 31:40 From Our Correspondent Down Under: Lee Hopkins – what if the novelty of blogging wears off? blogging and engagement; pet peeve: correspondence in sans-serif, not serif; rebuilding trust in business organizations [>> Do you have opinions on these topics? Let us know for discussion on Thursday’s show.]
- 41:40 Blogs as a tourism promotion tool – the example from Pennsylvania with Roadtrippers’ Blogs
- 46:22 The Ragan Corporate Communicators Conference last week – Charles Pizzo’s blogging blitz; the IABC International Conference next week – Warren Bickford’s blogging posse; back to Ragan – the Wonkette interview
Short Take:
- 57:34 Global PR Blog Week 2.0 – now taking place late September
- 58:24 Shel outros the show; how to give your feedback; show notes; Neville outros the music
Links for the blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show:
Listeners’ comments discussion – Dan York, Podscope, IAOC, Siemens USA, Robert Banghart, Scoble’s link blog, Outlook, Gnomedex 5.
Features – Yahoo, Jeremy Zawodny, Yahoo’s employee blogging guidelines (PDF), Russell Beattie, Jeff Boulter, JR Conlin, IBM’s employee blogging guidelines (PDF), The New PR Wiki Blogging Guidelines Index, Hill & Knowlton’s employee blogging guidelines, Constantin Basturea, Communication Directors Forum, P&O Oriana, Richmond Events, conference photos on Flickr, Business Week cover story on blogs, Blackberry, PRCA, PR Week, Chris Genasi, CIPR, Jon White, Henley Management College, Dominic Cheetham, Serco, Angela Sinickas, Tudor Wlliams, Lee Hopkins, IABC Cafe, Technorati, Google, Kevin Connolly’s research on legibility, Conference Board of Canada, Kevin Dugan,, RoadTrippers Blogs, Ragan Corporate Communicators Conference, Caesars Palace, Ragan Postcard, Charles Pizzo, IABC, IABC International Conference, Warren Bickford, Technorati tags, Wonkette, Shel’s post about the Wonkette interview, GM FastLane Blog, Lee Lefever’s Common Craft, Gawker Media.
Short Take – Global PR Blog Week 2.0.
Outro –, Beat & Path, Poor You, For Immediate Release, A Shel of My Former Self, NevOn.
If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at, or call the Comment Line at +1 206 984 0931. You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.
So, until Thursday June 16…
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)