Carnival of the Capitalists connects you to great content

Wayne Hurlbert at Blog Business World is hosting this week’s Carnival of the Capitalists, the weekly aggregation of links to posts by a wide range of different bloggers that provides a unique focus on them for further developing conversations.

For this week’s carnival, Wayne has assembled an enormous quantity of links – 71 posts spread across the themes of marketing; blogging, reading and writing; finance, markets and investment; business management and methods; communications, technology and podcasting; economics; international business, trade and economics; education, careers and employment; politics and politicians.

Wayne’s short intro to each post will make it easier for you to decide which ones you might be interested in reading and seeing what you can contribute to the conversations. Wayne’s included one of my posts – about podcasting – in his aggregated list.

Do visit Wayne’s Carnival of the Capitalists page. You will find some great linked content there.

General information here about Carnival of the Capitalists including a list of blog hosts through to January 2006.

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