The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #44: June 23, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on CEOs blogging internally; lower case is the way to go; KetchumIdeas; more on RSS; polls on blogs; getting the right URL; more on Ketchum; introducing The Spinfluencer); audio report on the power of gossip; better ways for doing podcast show notes; read your email out loud; more on Ketchum; Scandinavian employee survey; BritCaster; Dutch business blog meeting.

Show notes for June 23, 2005

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Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 72-minute conversation recorded live from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Download the file here (MP3, 27MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital player, you’ll also need software such as the FeedDemon RSS aggregator, or the free ipodder or DopplerRadio).

In this edition:


  • 00:29 Shel introduces the show; how to give your feedback; show notes; what’s in this edition

Discussion on listeners’ comments:

  • 04:09 Lee Hopkins on CEOs blogging internally to engage with employees – how could that be bad?
  • 05:19 Eric Schwartzman says lower-case for ‘website’ and ‘internet’ is the way to go.
  • 07:04 James Cherkoff asks if we’ve seen the KetchumIdeas website (yes we have and we say what we think of it)
  • 09:36 Marcel de Ruiter favours full-content RSS feed for reading on a PDA offline and wonders what role advertising might have
  • 11:07 Amy Gahran thinks we missed the point about RSS feeds; on not wasting time with poorly-written stuff; and not to tell people what to do! Shel and Neville have some thoughts on all this, and on how to pitch people to attend seminars, etc, on new media
  • 21:09 Richard Byrom with news on the latest version of Expression Engine which supports running polls on a blog
  • 22:19 Dan Cornwall with lots of URLs; on recommending FIR #42 for its discussion on fonts
  • 23:32 Dan York FYIs us on a summary page about Ketchum he’s put together, and suggests Ketchum as a candidate for a new wiki page at The New PR Wiki as a case study on what not to do [Post-show update: Constantin Basturea has now created such a page.]
  • 24:33 Introducing Eric Schwartzman, "The Spinfluencer"


  • 26:27 The Spinfluencer – audio report from Los Angeles, the Entertainment Capital of The World, on the power of gossip
  • 33:59 Is there a better way to do podcast show notes than typing out HTML pages? Steve Lacey has some ideas on how RSS and OPML might fit the bill
  • 41:00 From Our Correspondent Down Under: Lee Hopkins – Georgia and Trebuchet on screen; read your email out loud before you send it; ketchup and email don’t mix
  • 46:58 RSS WTF?? Tutorials on RSS from Alexandra Samuel and Linda Zimmer, plus how the BBC helps you understand RSS and James Snell‘s suggestion for Atom.
  • 55:11 News Just In – Constantin Basturea posts a response from Ketchum!
  • 56:29 Fredrik Wacka’s report on an employee survey among companies in Scandinavia – big problems surfaced on employee attitudes towards their leaders. Should we be surprised?

Short Takes:

  • 61:07 BritCaster – a new site that aggregates information about British podcasters and their podcasts
  • 62:12 2nd Dutch Business Blog Meeting – great gathering of Dutch business bloggers and the launch of a new consumer blog network in The Netherlands


  • 65:48 Shel outros the show; how to give your feedback; show notes; music

Links for the blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show:

Listeners’ comments discussion – Lee Hopkins, Eric Schwartzman, Oxford English Dictionary, James Cherkoff, KetchumIdeas, Naked Conversations, Shel Israel, Bacons, Constanin Basturea, Marcel de Ruiter, Amy Gahran, FeedDemon, I, Reporter, Craig Jolley, Richard Byrom, Expression Engine, PMachine forum, Dan Cornwall, Dan York, The New PR Wiki, Technorati tags.

Features –Eric Schwartzman, iPressroom, National Association of Broadcasters, National Association of Television Program Executives, Tom Friedman, The World is Flat, New York Post’s Page 6, Richard Johnson, Hollywood Reporter, Radio Daddy, Adam Curry, Sirius Satellite Radio, Steve Lacey, RSS definition, OPML definition, Dave Winer,, Lee Hopkins, Justin Kruger, UIUC, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Heinz, Egocentrism over Email, NCSA, Alexandra Samual, RSStocracy, FeedBurner, BBC RSS help, James Snell, Atom definition, IETF, Constantin: response from Ketchum, Fredrik Wacka, Nordisk Kommunikation, Jonathan Schwartz, Steve Crescenzo, FIR interview on measurement with Tudor Williams and Angela Sinickas.

Short Takes – BritCaster, Alex Bellinger, 2nd Dutch Business Blog Meeting, Marco Derksen, Ton Zijlstra, Stephan Fellinger, Publicis,, Gawker, WeblogsInc.

Outro – Evil Genius Chronicles, Jonathan Coulton, Skullcrusher Mountain, For Immediate Release, A Shel of My Former Self, NevOn.

If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at, or call the Comment Line at +1 206 984 0931. You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.

So, until Monday June 27…

(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)