If you’re a registered user of the FeedDemon RSS aggregator for Windows, you should definitely take a look at the new version 1.6 beta 1, now available for download.
I installed it last night and I have to say it seems very good indeed for a first beta. Loads of small changes and enhancements – see the release notes for full details – but what I really like are two things in particular:
- Automatically synchronize all RSS feeds you subscribe to, not just the ones in the channel group you happen to be reviewing, ie, all your other groups will also have their feeds synchronized in the background. It’s an optional setting, and you can customize which feeds you want to have synchronized in the background, or not at all if you prefer.
- Full synchronization of all your feeds with NewsGator Online, meaning you can check the exact same RSS feeds in NewsGator that you have in FeedDemon from any computer with a connection to the internet.
One great user benefit resulting from NewsGator’s acquisition of Bradsoft, FeedDemon’s developer company, in May is that you also get a free 2-year subscription to the NewsGator Business Standard plan. You can activate this when you install FD 1.6 beta 1.
Although FD developer Nick Bradbury advises caution with this beta, I think it’s worth a try. My additional caution would be to make sure you back up all the current content from your FeedDemon folder before you install this beta (which installs on top of, and so replaces, your current FD installation). Just in case. Better still, for complete portability and use with a wide range of other applications, export your RSS subscriptions to OPML files: FD’s help tells you how.
To give your feedback or comment on the new beta, visit the new NewsGator FeedDemon beta forum.
Get the beta from the download location.
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