Blog campaign backs Land Rover into a corner

Adrian Melrose’s The Truth About the Land Rover Discovery 3 campaign has shifted up a gear – and Land Rover still don’t appear to be paying attention.

This is to do with a very unhappy Land Rover customer and how he’s using his blog as part of his attempts to get satisfaction to his grievances over his purchase of a Land Rover SUV and the poor service he’s experienced from the manufacturer.

Earlier today, Adrian posted 14 specific questions addressed to Land Rover and challenges Mike Mulholland, Land Rover’s Customer Services Manager, to answer them via the blog:

[…] Mike, you need to click on the comment link below this posting to answer them. Alternatively, we could do a recorded interview and post it on this site. That would be really appreciated by us all as an open and transparent way of dealing with these issues and questions.

Land Rover are being backed into a corner here, a position wholly of their own making, one that is looking far more complex than it should be due to their lack of any meaningful engagement with a customer who, while clearly very angry and unhappy, still retains considerable loyalty for the vehicle and the brand.

What next? A public savaging on the Top Gear TV show, perhaps? Well, that’s looking highly likely, in fact, as Adrian posted this afternoon.

Neither Land Rover nor their PR agency appear to see the speed with which things are developing. There, perhaps, is the heart of the matter from the overall customer service and PR perspectives.

Related NevOn posts:

See also – For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report podcasts, shows #52 (at 34:17), #51 (20:22) and #50 (42:49).

4 thoughts on “Blog campaign backs Land Rover into a corner

  1. No customer service = no integration (part 1)

    Readers will know I’m a keen supporter of Adrian’s Landrover campaign – albeit from a distance. So it should come as no surprise that a report by Paul Greenberg shows that “Customer Feedback Rarely Gets Fed Back.” Quoting from Professor…

  2. No customer service = no integration (part 1)

    Readers will know I’m a keen supporter of Adrian’s Landrover campaign – albeit from a distance. So it should come as no surprise that a report by Paul Greenberg shows that “Customer Feedback Rarely Gets Fed Back.” Quoting from Professor…

  3. No customer service = no integration (part 1)

    Readers will know I’m a keen supporter of Adrian’s Landrover campaign – albeit from a distance. So it should come as no surprise that a report by Paul Greenberg shows that “Customer Feedback Rarely Gets Fed Back.” Quoting from Professor…

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