Today marks the first birthday of this blog – one year ago today, NevOn opened its doors on TypePad.
That day was the starting day for me of ‘proper’ blogging. I’d started a blog in December 2002 with BlogSpot but it wasn’t until last July that I got a much better sense of what I was going to do and why.
Looking through the blog stats this morning, I was actually surprised to see the volume of output here over the past 365 days, as this little graphic shows.
1,062 posts, 1,306 comments and 668 trackbacks. That’s equivalent to a daily average of just under 3 posts, 3.5 comments and 1.8 trackbacks.
How meaningful is that? Well, on a volume basis it seems quite a bit during a year on a blog with just one author. Yet quality not quantity is what’s more important. With blogging, it’s also the connections – the linking between posts and blogs – that’s increasingly important to anyone who wants to get a sense of who a blogger is and whether what he or she writes about is a) of interest to anyone else and b) influences anyone else. In my case, I hope the answer to a and b is ‘yes.’
As the second year begins, one thing I started thinking about is the blog structure, design and layout. Yesterday I wrote a ‘thought-dump’ post on my other blog; if you have any advice or suggestions, I’d love to hear them:
Rethinking weblog structures and design
In looking ahead over the next 365 days, I expect to continue doing what I set out to do when I started – write comment and opinion on business communication and technology, as this blog’s strapline indicates. I’ll also continue the bi-weekly podcast I co-present. And I expect to be doing some very interesting new things where my blogs will play a role.
I’d like to thank everyone who has read what I’ve written over the past year. A special thanks to those of you who have commented here and thus started conversations. Thanks if you connected here with trackbacks. And many thanks to those of you who subscribe to my RSS feed and read my stuff at your convenience.
Here’s to another exciting year!
Happy Birthday Neville
ONE of the longest running RSS feeds I have in my Bloglines’ account is that of Neville Hobson. His blog celebrates its first birthday today and if you take a look through his archives you will find plenty of useful
Congratulations with the first birthday, hopefully the first of many to come. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, knowledge and research with us Neville. Ciao Guido
Happy blogday!
Guys, thanks for your good wishes! And your support.
Congratulations to you. The time and energy it takes to blog successfully is often understated. Both those who know can appreciate what it means to reach such a milestone.
Thanks, John, I appreciate your comments.
Neville: You’ve had quantity and quality in the past year. Thanks for blogging and congratulations on a stellar first year.
Kevin, thanks, much appreciated!
Neville: Quality, quantity and (for me, anyway) influence. There are maybe five blogs that I’ll drop what I’m doing to read, and yours is definitely on that list. Thanks for all the insight and enthusiasm (one without the other wouldn’t have any influence).
Eric, that’s a great comment, many thanks.
I agree with you re enthusiasm. That I have plenty of!
Happy blogday Neville, I’ve been enjoying reading for probably about 6 months now and look forward to many many more!
Agree with the other guys: quality & quantity… I subsctribed to a pile of PR bloggers back then and you’ve been the standout.
Cheers, James
Terrific, James, thank you!