Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (on getting value from FIR and where to listen; European digital rights); BlogHer on Saturday; Dave Winer’s OPML editor launched; Podscope indexing every podcast; indie podcasters On A Podcast; made up quotes in press releases; PR bloggers should quit whining about being pitched; the missing link in mission statements; blog search tools comparisons; upcoming interviews; Podcast Awards.
Show notes for July 28, 2005
Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 74-minute conversation recorded live from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Download the file here (MP3, 25MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital player, you’ll also need a podcatcher such as the free iPodder, DopplerRadio or iTunes 4.9, or an RSS aggregator that supports podcasts such as FeedDemon).
In this edition:
- 00:32 Shel introduces the show; how to give your feedback; show notes; vote in the Podcast Awards.
Listeners’ comments discussion:
- 02:58 Trackbacks to the last show’s show notes from Angela Booth, Tom Murphy and James Cherkoff
- 04:06 Frank Meeuwsen on the value he gets from FIR and how he listens; and wonders about upcoming podcasting conferences
- 11:08 Nicole Simon on her pledge for a European digital rights initiative and why communicators should pay attention
News and Features:
- 20:42 BlogHer on Saturday 30 July – the open and inclusive forum to discuss the role of women within the larger blog community, and much more; and how you can participate even if you’re not there
- 22:20 Dave Winer launches an OPML editor; OPML’s key role in producing content for the web
- 25:08 Podscope plans to index every spoken podcast on the web by the end of August
- 27:30 Indie podcasters don’t do it for the money and are here to stay – the message in our bonus music track from Cruisebox: On A Podcast
- 35:17 Making up quotes in press releases – should you be shocked?
- 41:20 Some PR bloggers want to be treated like journalists but complain about being pitched. Andy Lark and others say "Quit, you whiners!" What can PR bloggers do to make their interests clearer to pitchers, before they pitch?
- 48:27 The missing link in mission statements is employee understanding of the organization’s mission and its relevance to them – assuming the mission is clear from the outset, that is
- 57:13 Mary Hodder’s post on blog search tools and the comparisons (PDF) highlight the differences in how the tools work; the competitive edge Blogpulse has with its Blogpulse Profiles offering
- 65:53 Neville outros the show; how to give your feedback; show notes
- 67:22 Upcoming confirmed interviews – Constantin Basturea on August 9; Pete Blackshaw, Intelliseek, on August 16; to be confirmed: Jeff de Cagna of Associations Unorthodox
- 68:48 Shel introduces the music
Links for the blogs, individuals, companies and organizations we discussed or mentioned in the show:
Intro – Podcast Awards.
Listeners’ comments discussion – Angela Booth, Tom Murphy, James Cherkoff, Frank Meeuwsen,, IBC 2005, Portable Media Expo, Podcast Hotel, PodcastCon UK, Amy Gahran, Nicole Simon, Nicole’s pledge call for European digital rights, EFF, EDRI, Reboot7, Flickr, Tris Hussey.
News and Features – BlogHer, Dave Winer,, Podcasting News, Podscope, iTunes, AAC file format, Blinkx, Business 2.0, Greg Lindsay podcasting article, Shel’s podcasting post, Neville’s podcasting post, Cruisebox, On A Podcast, Adam Curry, Daily Source Code, iTunes Podcast Directory, Dan Gillmor, Steve Crescenzo, Cluetrain Manifesto, CEO Blogs List, Andy Lark, Steve Rubel, Om Malik, Marketing 1 to 1, Neville’s post on mission statements, Financial Times, Avis, NASA, Disney, Mattell, Hasbro, Dilbert’s Mission Statement Generator, Sue MacDonald, Intelliseek, Blogpulse, Technorati, PubSub, Robert Scoble, Mary Hodder, Bloglines, Feedster, Ice Rocket, Dave Sifry, Blogpulse Profiles, Ketchum.
Outro – Podcast Awards, Constantin Basturea, Pete Blackshaw, Jeff de Cagna, Podsafe Music Network, Lejeune, Dead Again, For Immediate Release, A Shel of My Former Self, NevOn.
If you have comments or questions about this show, or suggestions for our future shows, email us at, or call the Comment Line at +1 206 984 0931. You can email your comments, questions and suggestions as MP3 file attachments, if you wish (max. 5Mb attachment, please!). We’ll be happy to see how we can include your audio contribution in a show.
So, until Monday August 1…
(Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, Shel’s and my podcast blog.)
“On a podcast” was a great find, very funny :-). I’ve casted my vote for you guys on the Podcast Awards. Best of luck, and congrats for turning 50 (shows). I’ve been away in Spain and France, hence the late note. Off to Blogher for some liveblogging tomorrow.